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Recognize the Causes of Dilute Sperm and How to Overcome It

Dilute sperm or clear, thin semen is a temporary condition and is generally not a serious health disorder. However, these conditions may indicate the possibility of fertility problems. Here are some of the causes and ways to deal with watery sperm that you need to know. Semen is a sperm-filled fluid that is released through the penis when a man ejaculates. Semen serves as a medium for transporting sperm to the egg in the process of fertilization. Normally, semen has a thick consistency and is white or grayish when released. The semen that has been expelled will melt after 5-40 minutes.

Various Conditions That Cause Dilute Sperm

Dilute semen or sperm occurs when the body produces sperm in low or below average normal sperm counts. Before reviewing how to treat runny sperm, it helps you know what causes sperm runny so that the treatment is carried out according to the conditions. The density and color of semen can change due to several factors and certain conditions. Here are some causes that allow sperm to thin:
  • The reproductive system is not yet mature

  • Dilute semen is normally found in teenage boys aged 11-15 years. This is because the reproductive system at that age is not yet perfect. Generally, teenage boys who are just entering puberty are still experiencing an adjustment in sex hormone levels, so sperm quality is not perfect.
  • The number of ejaculation frequencies

  • Ejaculation too often, through sexual intercourse or masturbation, can affect the quantity and quality of semen. In addition to decreased quality, semen will also be thinner in the second, third ejaculation and so on. Your body needs several hours of rest to produce semen with a healthy and normal quality and quantity.
  • Low sperm production

  • Low sperm count, which is less than 15 million cells per milliliter of semen, is a cause of sperm in a dilute adult. Here are some conditions that have the potential to cause fewer sperm counts:
  • Oligospermia, a condition in which the number of sperm produced is very low. This can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases, inflammation of the reproductive organs, tumors, hormonal imbalances, and varicoceles.
  • Retrograde ejaculation or reverse ejaculation, a condition in which sperm does not come out, but enter the bladder when it occurs. History of having undergone prostate surgery is generally the main cause of retrograde ejaculation.
  • The emergence of antisperm antibodies, which are antibodies produced by the immune system, which mistakenly respond to sperm as a foreign object. These antisperm antibodies can appear in both men and women.
  • Accidents or injuries to organs that function to channel.
  • Zinc deficiency

  • Zinc mineral deficiency (zinc) can potentially make a low sperm count. A study shows, zinc or zinc sulfate can help fight the effects of antisperm antibodies that affect sperm production.
  • Environment and lifestyle

  • The quality of semen can also be influenced by the environment where you live and work, diet, and lifestyle. The habit of smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages for a long time can also reduce the quality of your sperm.

Dilute sperm and its relation to fertility

The viscosity and adhesiveness of semen serves to make it stick to longer in the female reproductive organs, thereby increasing the chances of sperm meeting an egg for fertilization. In addition, the thickness of semen can also affect the movement of sperm to fertilize an egg. However, watery sperm is not always associated with fertility problems. Having a low sperm count also does not absolutely eliminate the possibility of getting pregnant. To find and determine healthy and normal semen and sperm, it's not enough to look at it physically. Need examination of sperm analysis and consultation with a specialist in urology or andrology. Sperm analysis aims to check the quality, quantity, and health of sperm and semen. Sperm analysis consists of examining the volume of semen, time of melting semen, the level of acidity (pH), sperm count, and the ability to move, sperm size and shape.

How to Overcome Dilute Sperm

Here are some tips for dealing with watery sperm and help improve sperm quality, including:
  • Regulate eating patterns and healthy living

  • Consume foods that are highly nutritious, especially foods that contain zinc, such as nuts and lean meat. Because, zinc has an important role in stabilizing genetic material in sperm. To improve lifestyles, exercise regularly, and stop smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages.
  • Maintain ideal body weight

  • Obesity is known to affect the quality and sperm count. Research shows that men who are overweight are more at risk for decreased quality and sperm count. Therefore, maintaining an ideal body weight is thought to help improve sperm quality.
  • Avoid exposure to toxic substances

  • Toxic substances found in pollution and certain chemicals can affect sperm quality. Therefore, if you have a risk of work exposed to certain toxic substances, it is recommended to wear personal protective equipment to reduce the risk of toxins entering the body.
In many cases, changes in sperm consistency are temporary and can be treated with a variety of treatments and medications. Aqueous sperm caused by a low sperm count does not always require treatment. But generally to cope with watery sperm, treatment is based on the underlying causes of low sperm production. If it is caused by an infection, then need treatment with antibiotics. Hormone treatment can also be recommended if hormone imbalances are the cause. If the diagnosis shows a varicocele, surgery will be needed. For couples who are longing for a baby, there are many treatments available to treat thin sperm and increase sperm production. Consult your doctor to discuss the best treatment options for you according to the diagnosis of your condition and your partner. So, do not hesitate to consult a doctor to overcome the watery sperm that occur continuously.
